Making decisions
Alternative Titles: Decisions, Decision, Decision Making, Making a decision
Located in: Work
Rule based decisions - Following Dogma and Process. Prevents creative thinking and limits options.
Informed decisions - Using Principles, Tricks and Techniques to make decisions. In this case, we are using what we know to guide the decision but not limiting ourselves.
Unintentional decisions
Decisions can be important or urgent. See Eisenhower Matrix. Important to not confuse important as urgent. Take time for important decisions.
Don't make big decisions, make big decisions irrelevant
- Big Decisions = decisions we'll have to live with for a long time or decisions that are high risk
- what's the cost of making the wrong decision versus the cost of making the decision irrelevant?
If you need to make big decisions:
- Ask for help
- Share your work
- Take your time
- Answer what's the worst that'll happen, and how do we handle it
Sometimes a decision is made when it's "good enough for now and safe enough to try"
Create path of least resistence to make good decisions.
Communicating decisions:
- Present the problem or opportunity
- Show you studied the potential solutions
- Make a recommendation
- Ask for validation