Alternative Titles: Processes
Located in: Organization
Status: 🌿 Budding
A process is a series of steps or decisions applied to accomplish a kind of task. Some examples are team sprints, company planning, interviewing, Hiring, promotions, performance reviews, and the mechanics of introducing a new role at your company.
- owning the process rather than allowing it to own us
- Feedback Loops are key for a good process.
- Process limits creativity. It's not a bad thing, but you need to understand the trade off with it
- Should this be merged with Policy?
Important that every process is fair and true. It doesn't need to approve every request (that kind of defaults the purpose). A process should be:
- Apply consistently for everyone (neutral)
- Be transparent on how the process works, the details can be confidential but the steps should be transparent.
- Allow participation and give others a voice, either through a feedback loop on the decision or adjusting the process itself