
Alternative Titles: Hire
Located in: Organization

Hiring should be thought of as a funnel, and specifically a sales funnel. Unless you work at a massive company, you have to sell the amazing applicants on your company and the opportunity.

Team Planning

Knowing how many people to hire and for what roles is one of the first steps. For some roles, you can start with Hiring Ratios to give a rough guideline on how many people are needed. For other roles....

Generating interest

  • marketing for hiring
  • needs to explain:
    • what your company does
    • why this is a great business opportunity
    • the purpose of the company (how it makes the world better)
    • the technology/process/systems that you are using
    • Culture and Values


One of the ways you can avoid spending significant time on sourcing candidates is to Always keep a pipeline of candidates.

Filtering candidates

  • How to read resumes or portfolios?

Evaulating candidates

Getting/selling the candidate

When you've found the perfect candidate, you can't stop there. Chances are this candidate is meeting with other companies and has a lot of very competitive offers. There are a few ways to differentiate your offer:

  • Use an Offer Letter that highlights the opportunity, vision, and the details of the offer. As an example, stock options need to be explained to most candidates.