Level of detail or information to share

Alternative Titles: What information to share
Located in: Organization
Status: 🌿 Budding

While we want to create a culture that follows Default to transparency there is always information that shouldn't be shared or limited in how much is shared.

An organization should categorize information and set consistent expectations the level of detail shared. When deciding what information to share, remember "In the absence of information, people tend to assume the worst."

One of the best frameworks I've come across for deciding this is from James Stanier. He divides information into three buckets:

  1. Completely confidential - Limited to only those who are on the "list" to know. No one else should know the details of this. For example, M&A and performance issues.
  2. Closed box - The process or concepts are not sensitive but the details are. For example, compensation reviews or raising a funding round.
  3. Open box - The information isn't sensitive at all, and should be Default to transparency. For example, what projects I am thinking about.

We can apply this framework across many situations:

  • Funding is a closed box. You should share with the organization the schedule, what the process will be, and expectations. You should not share specific details on the funding round like potential investors, amount, etc.
  • For confidential info or closed box details, have a list of who is in the know. The simplest implementation could be a private Slack channel. Make it clear the information should only be shared with these folks. This avoids awkward or potentially disastrous situations where two people don't know if the other person knows.