202108011323 simplicity
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Via Simplicity, The Way of the Unusual Architect:
- We observe a pattern
- We create abstractions and generalisations
- We turn the abstractions into a framework
- The framework becomes a Golden Hammer
- People start to subvert the framework
- Finally, sometimes, simplicity grows out of adversity
Yak Shaving
Bike Shedding
Gumption traps - saps your energy, undermines your faith or otherwise causes you to falter in your drive see https://gumption.typepad.com/blog/2011/12/the-gaps-crap-and-gumption-traps-in-creative-work.html
We tend to solve the wrong problem.
- Example, if we needed a monkey singing opera standing on a chair. We might focus on how we build the chair...not why or how we get a monkey to sing.
Optimize for ease of change see Don't make big decisions, make big decisions irrelevant in Making decisions