Good strategy bad strategy
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Good Strategy Bad Strategy
- The kernel of a strategy contains 3 things: Diagnosis: the current situation Vision: where you want to get to; this is your guiding policy Coherent action: how you get from your current situation to your desired end state. Coherent action consists of feasible plans, resource commitments and actions.
- The author talks a lot about what is generally described as strategy and explains why it’s not. For example: Ambition is drive and zeal to excel Determination is commitment and grit Innovation is the discovery and engineering of new ways to do things Inspirational leadership motivates people to sacrifice for their own and the common good
- A strategy should be episodic, though not necessarily annual.
- Diagnosis should replace the overwhelming complexity of reality with a simpler story that calls attention to its crucial aspects. The diagnosis part of the strategy is handing the organisation a problem it can solve.
- The disconnect between current results and current action is what makes strategy hard and interesting.