202208240735 seniority breakdown

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Located in: inbox
Status: Unknown
  1. Manager: Can solve any problem they are pointed directly at with high autonomy and minimal support with 1-2 teams they lead.
  2. Sr Manager: Can solve any problem they are pointed directly at with high autonomy and minimal support across 3+ teams.
  3. Director: Autonomously identifies and solves problems in their area of the biz
  4. Sr Director: Autonomously identifies and solves problems in their area of the biz. Sr Dir's will have a broader span of influence, e.g. 5+ Sr Managers, multiple products, etc...
  5. VP: Autonomously anticipates, identifies and solves business problems cross functionally. Might be in their area, might not. But they see it, find the path, influence and organize the right folks, and make the problem go away.
  6. C-suite: Autonomously anticipates, identifies, and solves problems that accelerate the company's progress and success or anticipates and removes roadblocks that would otherwise inhibit the company's progress.