202107121548 using case studies to evaluate product managers

Located in: inbox
  • We ask PMs to research a product they haven’t worked on, then present why it has market fit and what they recommend for its roadmap [1]
  • A presentation/doc/video/whatever of something they’ve led before. It should be readable/watchable within 10-15 minutes and take no more than 4 hours to create.
  • Requirements:
    • Minimal work for the candidate for us to get signal (4 hours is reasonable)
    • Minimize effort for us to review
    • Ensure the task is tied to the JD
  • The evaluation rubric is well defined in advance

  1. https://rands-leadership.slack.com/archives/C014Y7K5U8K/p1625076090073300?thread_ts=1624977914.066400&cid=C014Y7K5U8K ↩︎